Important Facts About Chapter 7
The Law Offices of Kelly Warren*, located in Covina, California, has more than 30 years’ experience assisting individual debtors and small businesses throughout the San Gabriel Valley area with bankruptcy matters, including Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
Many bankruptcy attorneys run what we refer to as “bankruptcy mills.” These firms treat everyone’s situation the same. Rather than tailor solutions to your unique set of circumstances, they lump you in a group with other bankruptcies.
At our law firm, attorney Kelly Warren understands that your facts and circumstances differ from other individuals filing for bankruptcy. For that reason, he tailors each solution to the client’s own particular set of facts and circumstances. Our goal is to get to the underlying cause of your problem. We do not want you to get through bankruptcy and obtain a fresh start only to find yourself back in debt soon thereafter.
Filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy To Obtain A Fresh Start
Chapter 7 bankruptcy is sometimes referred to as a “straight bankruptcy,” and is utilized by individuals and small businesses to emerge from debt. A Chapter 7 bankruptcy can be used to stop or delay foreclosure, repossession, creditor harassment and collection efforts.
Essentially, a Chapter 7 bankruptcy allows you to maintain certain assets that are exempted under California law for California residents. Any remaining assets are divided among your unsecured creditors, and you those debts are “discharged” by the Bankruptcy Court.
Under the bankruptcy laws, you must meet certain income and debt requirements to take advantage of Chapter 7. For those that do not qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, a Chapter 13 bankruptcy may be an option.
Take The First Step Towards Solving Your Debt Problems By Contacting Our Firm
To discuss your Chapter 7 bankruptcy matter with an experienced bankruptcy lawyer, call 626-859-1030 to schedule a confidential consultation with Mr. Warren. If you prefer, you can complete our online intake form, and we will contact you to schedule an initial consultation.
*We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.